Stand out in the pack! A rebrand, web, event, and presentation design specialist for entrepreneurs and executives

Small Town Chamber of Commerce

Only those who’ve lived in remote, small towns know the struggles and benefits of living and growing in one. A Chamber & Visitors Website to Grow Your Local Economy! Small towns need websites that serve them, but what does that mean?A member and community site that’s actually representative of the beauty, creativity, uniqueness, and heart…

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Shannon Communications website design

Beaver Builder, Meet Shannon

I’ve been working on a new site design and build for Shannon Communications, a branding and communications consultancy here in San Antonio. This site is an expression of the brand she’s built, but it’s also an expression of everything I love to, for whom, and learning and applying what I’ve learned. I’ve had an ongoing…

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Ivan the Gorilla dot com website mockup on an iPad

Case Study: The Ivan Foundation

By Robert Nissenbaum, TSO Media My First Interaction With Ivan At the entrance of the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Tacoma, Washington is a sculpture of a Gorilla. I remember wondering why it was there. It seemed odd, out of place. Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium does not exhibit gorillas – and they have…

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photo of Orphans of War Website on a desktop, laptop, and tablet display

Case Study: Orphans of War Website Redesign

TSO Media was already working on plans for a website redesign for Orphans of War when their website was hacked. Plus, they didn’t have backup systems in place. It was all lost. The good news is that because they were already working on new content with TSO Media, they took advantage of the otherwise bad…

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Bridget Willard website hero image

Website Redesign Case Study: Bridget Willard

WordPress Website for Read also Bridget’s case study on the need and process for the redesign Before Bridget contacted me, her site looked like what you’ll see in the video below. In it Jocelyn Mozak (Mozak Design) gives some helpful feedback for design, function, and voice/perspective. Of course, all of this is assuming Bridget’s…

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