Increase Productivity in Big and Small Ways: Streamline with templates created from repetitive tasks, inquiries

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At WordCamp Seattle in 2018, I talked about how I was “cleaning” up my own business and creating more time for me to do my actual work. I shared the tools I used or liked to boost productivity online and offline. (Some tie into WordPress, and those were highlighted.) Subtopics include: project management, task lists/to-dos,…

WordCamp Seattle 2018 graphic

At WordCamp Seattle in 2018, I talked about how I was “cleaning” up my own business and creating more time for me to do my actual work. I shared the tools I used or liked to boost productivity online and offline. (Some tie into WordPress, and those were highlighted.)

Subtopics include: project management, task lists/to-dos, scheduling, booking, virtual meetings, screen sharing, bookkeeping, backup options, and cloud storage.

Tools discussed are a mix of free and paid, which provide options for every budget.

photo of pastel assortment of eggs

Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.

February 15, 2022

A few years ago, Vine was the hot video social media platform. Vine stars grew followers/audiences quickly. Overnight, the platform died. All those followers…gone. All that social media collateral…gone. All that social media influence…gone. They were forced to start over again.

The Builders Podcast With Matt Levenhagen & Rhonda Negard

December 30, 2021

Watch Episode 47: Meet Rhonda Negard – Her Story Becoming a Business Owner, Leaving Corporate to Build a Business & More on the Builders Podcast…

7 Paid & Free Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website

7 of the Best Paid and Free Avenues to Drive Traffic to Your Website Right Now

November 7, 2021

By Warren Laine-Naida Oh, God. Another blog post about increasing traffic to my website? Wrong. Yes, we lured you here on that pretext, but you’re…

Responsive Website for Bridget Willard dot com on a Macbook

A Dragon, a Widow, and a Bird: A Case Study on Rebranding Bridget Willard, LLC

August 22, 2021

What do a dragon, a widow, and a bird have in common? It’s the start of a joke, right?  The Inside Scoop, a Story for…

Where & Where sliders can work on your site

Why Sliders Aren’t Doing What You Think: A Good Idea for Your Website?

August 12, 2021

So few users ever interact with sliders. If “only around 1% of users click on sliders (Erik Runyon)”, you’ve potentially lost a lot of leads or repeat business.