Increase Productivity in Big and Small Ways: Streamline with templates created from repetitive tasks, inquiries

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At WordCamp Seattle in 2018, I talked about how I was “cleaning” up my own business and creating more time for me to do my actual work. I shared the tools I used or liked to boost productivity online and offline. (Some tie into WordPress, and those were highlighted.) Subtopics include: project management, task lists/to-dos,…

WordCamp Seattle 2018 graphic

At WordCamp Seattle in 2018, I talked about how I was “cleaning” up my own business and creating more time for me to do my actual work. I shared the tools I used or liked to boost productivity online and offline. (Some tie into WordPress, and those were highlighted.)

Subtopics include: project management, task lists/to-dos, scheduling, booking, virtual meetings, screen sharing, bookkeeping, backup options, and cloud storage.

Tools discussed are a mix of free and paid, which provide options for every budget.

Do you need your logo on every slide? It's a presentation, not NASCAR.

You’re the alpha dog. That’s why they asked you to speak. Do you need your logo on every slide? No.

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Why You Need Branded Slide Decks: Branded V. Logo This topic isn’t discussed enough. For most people “branded” means putting your logo on something. While…

Ivan the Gorilla dot com website mockup on an iPad

Case Study: The Ivan Foundation

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By Robert Nissenbaum, TSO Media My First Interaction With Ivan At the entrance of the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Tacoma, Washington is a…

WP Watercooler Smart Marketing Show with Bridget Willard and Jason Tucker

The Ultimate Marketing, a Network of Support

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Increase Engagement With Website Visitors with a Simple Image Map

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WP Watercooler YouTube image reads, Marketing Your Brand With A Family of Colors

Marketing Your Brand With a Family of Colors

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