Increase Productivity in Big and Small Ways: Streamline with templates created from repetitive tasks, inquiries

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At WordCamp Seattle in 2018, I talked about how I was “cleaning” up my own business and creating more time for me to do my actual work. I shared the tools I used or liked to boost productivity online and offline. (Some tie into WordPress, and those were highlighted.) Subtopics include: project management, task lists/to-dos,…

WordCamp Seattle 2018 graphic

At WordCamp Seattle in 2018, I talked about how I was “cleaning” up my own business and creating more time for me to do my actual work. I shared the tools I used or liked to boost productivity online and offline. (Some tie into WordPress, and those were highlighted.)

Subtopics include: project management, task lists/to-dos, scheduling, booking, virtual meetings, screen sharing, bookkeeping, backup options, and cloud storage.

Tools discussed are a mix of free and paid, which provide options for every budget.

graphic illustrating parts of letters J and P

Simplicity and Perception

December 16, 2018

Simplicity and Perception. The two go hand in hand. Simple is not simple to create, but the illusion of simplicity creates a higher perceived value. There is a lot of complex work that goes into a simple design. Understanding the principles of good design and letter forms is key to creating simple, lasting, quality logos.

Sins of Genericide graphic

Sins of Genericide: Death of Women and Brands

December 11, 2018

Branding isn’t about a pretty logo, swirly typography, pastels, pinks, flowers, birds, “empowering” women, or how much you love coffee. Apparently, everyone’s doing it, which is reason enough for why you shouldn’t. Branding is about the needs of your clients, having a unique, consistent, and compelling story that separates you from the crowd of competition.

WordCamp Seattle 2018 graphic

Increase Productivity in Big and Small Ways: Streamline with templates created from repetitive tasks, inquiries

November 24, 2018

At WordCamp Seattle in 2018, I talked about how I was “cleaning” up my own business and creating more time for me to do my…

Making Your Case Studies Irresistible

November 7, 2018

A friend was adopted when adoptions were closed, meaning she could never know her biological mother or father–a story to make Ancestry irresistible.