Small Town Chamber of Commerce

Only those who've lived in remote, small towns know the struggles and benefits of living and growing in one.

A Chamber & Visitors Website to Grow Your Local Economy!

Small towns need websites that serve them, but what does that mean?

A member and community site that’s actually representative of the beauty, creativity, uniqueness, and heart of the your small town while also recognizing limited resources available.


Here’s what people from cities, even cities of 50,000 residents, don’t understand about small towns–actual small towns.

Small towns and chambers should be able to manage their organizations on their Website, including:


Here’s what people from cities, even cities of 50,000 residents, don’t understand about small towns–actual small towns.

  • Member Directory

    For promoting members to managing memberships, a directory can save time, steps, and money. 

  • Content

    Making quick and easy updates is important for time, bandwidth, and timeliness.

  • Forms

    Besides collecting information from site visitors, you need to have multiple access options for all form entries over time, especially if/when staff changes or emails stop working. Accessing the entries through the website is a great safety net. 

  • Social Media

    When you site is setup to be social-friendly from the start, it makes sharing content/links from the site not only easier but more effective and inviting. 

  • Events Calendar

    Managing your organization's events can be done on other sites and apps, but doing it on your site means your site becomes a "one-stop shop" for you and your customers/clients/community. From promoting events to registering attendees, your website can serve as the hub it needs to be.

  • Notes

    All business owners should own their own domain name. ALL. ALWAYS.

    Hosting can move around--it's flexible. There are pros and cons for every hosting option. While you may not have access to your hosting account, it is advisable that you have access to full site backups, even if it means you have regularly request them yourself.

Branding Add-On

Show the heart of your organization and the small town it represents. Wear or share the chamber with pride.

Editorial Add-On

Allow visitors and the community to immerse themselves in the local stories, the journeys that lead people to your small town, the ones that lead them into business, the ones where they didn’t think they’d survive, and the ones about those who continue a legacy. It’s all in print with pictures and real, heartfelt stories–and the unique local flavors sprinkled throughout.

With a website redesign, rebrand, or coordinated event materials, …

We’ll create a memorable experience that truly represents you – and your clients. You’ll have a more focused perspective – focus on your goals, and people will follow.

My life’s work and extensive background helps me guide you to become the memorable leader you are.