No Need for New Content

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This is exciting news. You do not need to worry about creating new content! Would you prefer to listen instead of reading this blog post? Or, see it streaming in the Facebook post: How many blogs do you think there are in the world, in the U.S., in your state, or in your region? How…

graphic that reads no need for new content

This is exciting news.

You do not need to worry about creating new content!

Would you prefer to listen instead of reading this blog post?

Or, see it streaming in the Facebook post:

How many blogs do you think there are in the world, in the U.S., in your state, or in your region? How many are there in your industry?

You know there hundreds of thousands text-based blogs. With all this content, Neil Patel recommends we not even bother writing new content for text blogs. Instead, you might think he recommends video. It’s competitive and still not as saturated as text, but the medium he recommends is audio, specifically podcasts.

That’s good news for you!

If you’ve already got great text-based content, why not record yourself reading that content?

  1. Start by looking at your site stats. Choose the content from the pages and posts that have the most visitors consistently. Start with those. You already know your visitors like that content! So, just repurpose it into an audio file, like an audio-gram or podcast!
  2. There are many platforms for podcasting for you to try. If you’re not sure you’ll enjoy it or keep up with it, don’t invest in equipment and hosting until you do know. That’s why I recommend starting with Anchor FM. It’s a free platform, and it pushes your podcasts to all the other streaming services, like Apple’s iTunes and Podcast app, iHeart Radio, and Stitcher to name a few.
  3. Rewrite your content in your own voice, how you naturally speak. You may need to even eliminate some of it that references visual aids. You may also need to update it if it’s no longer relevant, like outdated stats, rates, or methods that have since changed.
  4. Then, use a word counter to see how many total words you have. Type that number into the form at That’ll help you to know how many minutes it’ll take you to read it aloud. I recommend keeping it under 20 minutes until you are comfortable and once you have in-depth content that you know your audience is craving.

There you have it! No need to reinvent the wheel.

Content Strategy

I am not a content strategist, but I know professionals who are. If you do not have a content plan, please reach out to me so I can help you find the right professional for that.

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