Disrupters Podcast logo on phone

Creativity and Marketing

Todd Brogowski of Todd’s Written Word and Rhonda Negard spoke with Candace Thompson of Wild Child Group and Bill Lee of Keba Agency discuss creativity, memorability, and insulting your intelligence. Fitting in is a death sentence. Exercising your creativity, even in small ways, helps your business and quality of life Creativity, memorability, and insulting your…

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Mozak Design logo mockup

Evolution of a Logo: Mozak Design

In November I finally met Jocelyn Mozak in person after connecting with her on social media a few months earlier. We were both speaking at WordCamp Seattle. Little did I know when I first met her that we were speaking on the same topic. When I realized it, I was concerned. ‘Oh, no! People might…

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graphic that reads "Military families have businesses"

How Can Freelancers in Military Families Buy Locally

Buying locally was easy in a population with pride in local goods and services. My struggle and the internal conversation began not only when I left the Austin area but also when I landed in yet another part of the country running my own graphic design business. How can I encourage buying locally when my locale changes frequently?

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Commonly Requested Resources for Online Businesses

I’ve been doing my own research and have been asked by others for solutions on a number of topics. This is a list I’ve compiled from my research and from recommendations from colleagues. Those in bold are what I am currently using. CRMs Dubsado ActiveCampaign Infusionsoft OntraPort Zoho Course Platforms WordPress LearnPress LearnDash LifterLMS Sensei…

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graphic illustrating parts of letters J and P

Simplicity and Perception

Simplicity and Perception. The two go hand in hand. Simple is not simple to create, but the illusion of simplicity creates a higher perceived value. There is a lot of complex work that goes into a simple design. Understanding the principles of good design and letter forms is key to creating simple, lasting, quality logos.

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Sins of Genericide: Death of Women and Brands

Branding isn’t about a pretty logo, swirly typography, pastels, pinks, flowers, birds, “empowering” women, or how much you love coffee. Apparently, everyone’s doing it, which is reason enough for why you shouldn’t. Branding is about the needs of your clients, having a unique, consistent, and compelling story that separates you from the crowd of competition.

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