Commonly Requested Resources for Online Businesses

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I’ve been doing my own research and have been asked by others for solutions on a number of topics. This is a list I’ve compiled from my research and from recommendations from colleagues. Those in bold are what I am currently using. CRMs Dubsado ActiveCampaign Infusionsoft OntraPort Zoho Course Platforms WordPress LearnPress LearnDash LifterLMS Sensei…

I’ve been doing my own research and have been asked by others for solutions on a number of topics. This is a list I’ve compiled from my research and from recommendations from colleagues. Those in bold are what I am currently using.


Course Platforms


Email Marketing

Content Calendar


GDPR and What It Means for Your Business

April 28, 2018

GDPR and What It Means for Your Business The GDPR takes effect on May 25th: What you need to know In the second episode of…

graphic that reads "The monster in the comments"

Cyber Bullying, The Monster in the Comments

March 31, 2018

Cyberbullying does not exclusively target individuals. Businesses can also be the targets. In 2017, a tow truck operator sued the creator of a Facebook page that claimed to be a public service announcement regarding allegedly fraudulent conduct of the tow truck operator. (Thanks to Todd Brogowski at Todd’s Written Word, LLC for assisting me on this writing project to address this important topic.)

How to Market to People Not Like You

January 31, 2018

A great book for more focused marketing on customer values and diversity, which can mean lifestyles, priorities, levels of affluence, cultural values, etc.

mockup of Compliance Diagnostics logo

Evolution of a Logo: Compliance Diagnostics

November 9, 2017

Certain aesthetics are more appealing to certain socio-economic classes. This deceptively simple, monoline design uses a monochromatic color palette to appeal to wealthier clients and the businesses that serve them.

Wild Child Group mockup of logo

Evolution of a Logo: Wild Child Group

October 20, 2017

The original logo and concept are clever with the shape of the elephant’s face, changing directions at the trunk and tusks. However, there are three reasons why this clever logo wasn’t working as effectively as it should.