The Builders Podcast With Matt Levenhagen & Rhonda Negard
Watch Episode 47: Meet Rhonda Negard – Her Story Becoming a Business Owner, Leaving Corporate to Build a Business & More on the Builders Podcast Website and see his show notes.
This episode emphasizes the importance of networking, which is exactly how Matt Levenhagen and I connected.
Why I don’t call my business an agency or subcontract work
- Client gets direct access to resources
- Business Owner / Branding & Web Designers plus….
- Why Knowing my limits is important
My Origin Story: How I became a “Business Owner”
- Discovering the purpose of a website?
- How marketing lead me to print design (and PageMaker, now Adobe’s Indesign)
Why “Fake it ’til you make it” is deceptive
- When presented with an opportunity and you know a little, do you take it?
- Reframing is important for your mindset and integrity.
- Do you know everything? Do people think we know it all?
Speakers, Experts, and Claiming Your Space
- Just because someone is speaking in front of the room doesn’t mean they’re an expert at everything or even the subject-mater discussed. They usually are the fist ones to say, “Yes.”
- Authenticity is just sharing what you know or what you’re currently working on/experiencing at that time.
- No need to be an expert before speaking, writing/publishing
How LinkedIn launched my business after a layoff
- Hit the pavement
- Networking, a learned skill that needs ongoing practice
- Missteps
- Matt’s experience
- What happens after layoffs
- I started with what I knew.
- Lessons learned working for and with someone else
I’m constantly learning!
- Interaction Design Foundation (for UX and accessibility)
- Copywriting classes
How to leap from a job to working for yourself
- Let your employment/job, fund your dream.
- Treat the freelance money like it’s your only income.
- Treat it like a business.
- Learn what business processes you need.
- Create your runway first.
- Start networking while you’re employed.
The Wrap-Up
I hope you enjoy the conversations in this podcast. Matt’s naturally ability to facilitate an easy conversation should also make it easy for you to listen. Also, check out Episode 46: Meet Bridget Willard – Her Journey, Mental Health Challenges, Finding Your “Why”, Branding & Social Media. Bridget’s journey with her business is relatable and makes a tale of warning into hope.