Case Study: Orphans of War Website Redesign

photo of Orphans of War Website on a desktop, laptop, and tablet display

TSO Media was already working on plans for a website redesign for Orphans of War when their website was hacked. Plus, they didn’t have backup systems in place. It was all lost. The good news is that because they were already working on new content with TSO Media, they took advantage of the otherwise bad…

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Making a Statement With Intention

Making a statement with intention

Do your website, materials and presentation project the expertise you have and the message you intend? Professional Speakers and Digital Course Creators Your website is your hub and reliable connection to your market. A website for speakers and Course Creators must:  Build credibility  Provide value  Cultivate new opportunities/students Professional Speakers You need to a site that demonstrates your expertise…

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Branding Project: Dependable (WordPress Hosting)

Mockup of Dependable Logo

More Than Words: Meaning and Context When Dependable was still in the early stages of development for the new fully-managed WordPress website hosting platform, the owner, Brad Delaney, also long-time owner of Sound Strategy, contacted me to work with him on branding the platform. During the workshop, we identified the following brand attributes: Culture: Fun,…

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No Need for New Content

graphic that reads no need for new content

This is exciting news. You do not need to worry about creating new content! Would you prefer to listen instead of reading this blog post? Or, see it streaming in the Facebook post: How many blogs do you think there are in the world, in the U.S., in your state, or in your region? How…

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Website Redesign Case Study: Bridget Willard

Bridget Willard website hero image

WordPress Website for Read also Bridget’s case study on the need and process for the redesign Before Bridget contacted me, her site looked like what you’ll see in the video below. In it Jocelyn Mozak (Mozak Design) gives some helpful feedback for design, function, and voice/perspective. Of course, all of this is assuming Bridget’s…

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Where does your Website fit?

graphic that reads Where does your website fit?

Regardless of what your website looks like, what platform you use to manage its content, or where it’s hosted, it shouldn’t be a “one and done” type of project. You need to incorporate your website into your marketing plan. It needs to play an active role in your business! Listen here: For many businesses, e-commerce…

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The Disrupters Podcast: Branding and Websites

Disrupters Podcast logo on phone

I recently joined The Disrupters on their great podcast again, Candace Thompson of Wild Child Group and Bill Lee of Keba Agency, to discuss the importance of branding and the business website. Listen to “Rhonda Negard returns to talks about Web Site Branding” on Spreaker. How to hone in on the words that describe your brand’s: Culture…

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