Case Studies
Merger Madness to Digital Magic: Structure Formulations’ Glow-Up
Alright, folks, buckle up. We’re diving into a story that’s less “corporate yawn-fest” and more “how the hell did they pull this off?” It’s the tale of Structure Formulations, a company that rose from the ashes of a messy merger between Structure Health & Wellness and Ampersand CBD, shaking off a clunky Shopify site like a bad ex and stepping into a shiny new WordPress world. This isn’t just a redesign—it’s a rebrand with teeth, a user experience glow-up, and a feminine aesthetic so upscale it could sip rosé with the Real Housewives. Let’s break it down, Seth Godin-style with a Kathleen Madigan twist, because who doesn’t love a little truth-telling with their marketing fairy dust?
Read MoreA Dragon, a Widow, and a Bird: A Case Study on Rebranding Bridget Willard, LLC
What do a dragon, a widow, and a bird have in common? It’s the start of a joke, right? The Inside Scoop, a Story for Context These are actually parts of the story of my latest client and newest friend, Bridget Willard. She packed up her life and business last year (2020) to uproot herself…
Read MoreCase Study: The Ivan Foundation
By Robert Nissenbaum, TSO Media My First Interaction With Ivan At the entrance of the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Tacoma, Washington is a sculpture of a Gorilla. I remember wondering why it was there. It seemed odd, out of place. Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium does not exhibit gorillas – and they have…
Read MoreCase Study: Orphans of War Website Redesign
TSO Media was already working on plans for a website redesign for Orphans of War when their website was hacked. Plus, they didn’t have backup systems in place. It was all lost. The good news is that because they were already working on new content with TSO Media, they took advantage of the otherwise bad…
Read MoreBranding Project for Dependable: Branding, Typography, and Why Your Website Shouldn’t Look Like It Was Designed in the Old West (or even 1998)
Dependable isn’t just about hosting; it’s about peace of mind, which is where we focused on design–on knowledge, reliability, and ease of use.
Read MoreEvolution of a Logo: Judith Poe Jewelry
Austin, TX jewelry designer, Judith Poe, creates custom high-end jewelry. Judith Poe translates and conveys emotions and concepts in each beautiful piece of jewelry.
Read MoreBradley Scott Commercial Real Estate
Bradley Scott, an established commercial real estate business for forty years, rebrands to reflect their attributes, history, and mission to resonate more with their client base and new generation.
Read MoreWebsite Redesign Case Study: Bridget Willard
WordPress Website for Read also Bridget’s case study on the need and process for the redesign Before Bridget contacted me, her site looked like what you’ll see in the video below. In it Jocelyn Mozak (Mozak Design) gives some helpful feedback for design, function, and voice/perspective. Of course, all of this is assuming Bridget’s…
Read MoreEvolution of a Logo: Mozak Design
In November I finally met Jocelyn Mozak in person after connecting with her on social media a few months earlier. We were both speaking at WordCamp Seattle. Little did I know when I first met her that we were speaking on the same topic. When I realized it, I was concerned. ‘Oh, no! People might…
Read MoreLind Pest Control & Inspection Services
The original Lind site didn’t communicate the value of the team, the care they provide their customers, or their dedication to the community.
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